Shar-Pei Rottweiler mix is not a purebred dog. It is a crossbreed between the purebred Rottweiler and Chinese Shar-Pei. The Rottweiler and Shar-Pei are two popular dog breeds that have gained popularity worldwide in recent years. The combination of these two breed will make an unique crossbreed dog which is also known as Rotti Peis and Sharweilers.

The Rottweiler is a strong, loyal, and very intelligent dog that can be both a family dog and a guard dog. The Shar-Pei is a graceful and confident dog that is also known as a loyal family friend. Loyalty, determination, and a unique look are all found in the Rott Pei, which is why the crossbreed is becoming increasingly popular.

A Rottweiler Shar-Pei mix is a hybrid dog breed which inherits the characters from their both parents. As both the parents have a natural talent of guardianship, so these Rotti Pei mix breeds are also strongly devoted to their owners.

This mixed breed is not only affectionate, but also alert and can help protect the home from intruders and strangers. In addition, Rott Peis can also be well accustomed to children. So, they are an ideal choice for families who are looking for a faithful companion.

In this article we will know more about this newly hybrid breed so if you are looking to purchase this mixed breed then as an owner you can decide whether the combination of these two breeds will be suitable for you and your family needs.

The Parent Breeds

To understand what kind of possible combination of personality and characters this new Rottweiler Shar-Pei mix breed might receive, we need to understand more details about their parent breed first.

The Rottweiler

Rottweilers are one of the oldest and most popular known dog breeds worldwide. Rottweiler is a breed descended from the Roman Molossus dogs with history dating as far back as the Roman Empire. The Rottweilers originated from Germany, which was used as a guard dog for herding cattle due to its strength and confidence.

They’re confident, calm, and courageous dogs, one of the first breeds ever to work as police dogs. After being registered by the American Kennel Club in 1931, they have become one of the most beloved dog breeds worldwide. Because of their loyalty and ability to protect their owners and families, these dogs are often seen as loyal companions and family pets.

Rottweiler Dog sitting in the garden
Source: Pexels

The Shar-Pei

On the other hand,The Shar Pei are an ancient Chinese breed that was originally used for herding livestock. The history of this dog is connected to the monks of Tibet and their mastiffs.

The Shar Pei is a reserved and super independent breed, known for its devotion and loyalty. They are very affectionate towards their families, and with some time with better training and socialization and proper introduction, also to strangers.

They are silent dogs that like to be always around people and are easy to train. Today they remain one of the most well-known dog breeds worldwide. Because of their good looks combined with their pleasant personalities making them great companion animals within a household setting.

Both parents are relatively strong and protective. Therefore, the Rott Pei will also be protective and strong as a guard dog.

Shar- Pei dog sitting on the floor
Source: Pexels

Rott Pei Characteristics

The Rott Pei is a new hybrid dog breed crossed between the two popular dog breeds, Rottweiler and Shar Pei. Both are social and loyal dogs that can fit into a variety of situations.

The Rottweiler is known for its brave and intelligent nature, and the Shar-Pei is an equally loyal and alert friend. This unique pair is often described as robust, playful, and alert. In general, these dogs tend to be very laid back, but they are also capable of showing energy and intensity when needed.

Physically, the Rott Pei combines the traits of its parent breeds—the large size and robust body structure of a Rottweiler coupled with the wrinkled skin of a Shar-Pei. They’re typically solid in coloring with fur ranging from black to brown or red sable coats. Their ears are normally cropped as puppies but will remain floppy without cropping if left alone.

Just like their parents, Rott Pei makes an amazing watchdog. They are not loud, they bark very rarely, but they never fail to signal when an intruder or stranger is approaching. Sharweilers are protective over their family.

If you’re looking for a sociable, intelligent, and fearless companion, this mixed breed can be an excellent choice. With the right training, you can have a loyal friend and protector that will bring you a lifetime of enjoyment.

Size and lifespan of Rott Pei

Rottweiler and Shar Pei are a mixed breed dog which inherits the characters from both of their parents. The size of the mixed breed includes their weight and height.

According to the American Kennel Club the average weight and size of a Shar-Pei then the average weight of Shar Pei can ranges between 45-60 pounds and they can stand anything between 18-20 inches.

On the other hand, the average height of male Rottweiler ranges between 24-27 inches and the height of a female Rottweiler can ranges between 22-25 inches. However, average weight of male Rottweiler can range between 95-135 pounds and the weight of female Rottweiler can ranges between 80-100 pounds.

If we talk about the average weight and height of the Rott Pei then the average weight of Rott Pei can ranges between 55-95 pounds and the average height of Rott Pei can ranges between 18-24 inches.

The average lifespan of Rottweiler is from 8-10 years and the average lifespan of Shar-pei is ranges between 8-12 years. However, the average lifespan of the Rottweiler and Shar-Pei mix breed is anything between 10-12 years.

Rott Pei Temperament

Rott Pei is a mixed breed dog of two popular dog breeds. Rottweiler and Shar Pei temperament can vary due to their parents breed so it would be difficult to say that what temperament and personality will this mix breed get. To know more about the mixed breed temperament, we need to understand their parents breed temperament.

The Shar-Pei has been known for their deep attachment to their owners and to be a friendly companion dog. The Shar Pei is an alert and very loyal dog that Prone to aggressive and protective tendencies towards strangers. They are highly intelligent and make excellent guard dogs, but they need early socialization and continued training to prevent them from becoming fearful or territorial.

Rottweilers are incredibly confident, dignified, and powerful dog breed. Rottweilers are high-energy working dogs that were bred for a variety of purposes, including guarding. They are loyal and protective nature to their owners. They’re strong-willed dogs that have serious expressions, which is why they’re often the breed of choice for protection work. With proper training and socialization, they could be a great family dog for families and children.

Generally, Rott Peis are affectionate, highly intelligent, and protective dogs. They almost never bark, except for the times they’re trying to signal an intruder.

Food and Diet Requirement

The Rott Pei is a large and energetic dog breed,they will need a high-quality diet that provides enough energy to keep them moving. However, it’s important not to overfeed the Rott Pei as they can suffer from joint problems exacerbated by obesity. They required a complete and balanced diet including protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. However, it’s important not to overfeed the Rott Pei as they can suffer from joint problems exacerbated by obesity.

Always check the label of any dog food brand to ensure the diet is complete and free of any fillers, as well as to check the caloric amount per meal. It would also be better to consult with your veterinarian for a better and specialized diet plan.

Rott Pei Exercise

The Rottweiler Shar-pei mix breed is usually prone to putting on weight so exercise is vital and important to prevent obesity. The amount of exercise needed depends on your Rott Pei’s energy level. The Rott Pei won’t be satisfied by a walk around the yard, and two long walks a day combined with play sessions can keep them fit.

If your Rott Pei is energetic and needs to burn off steam, agility is a possibility even with stubborn dogs. Shar Pei are surprisingly more athletic than they seem, and Rottweilers are known powerhouses, so agility can be a great way to challenge your Sharweiler. Contact your local dog competition facility to see if it’s a good fit for you and your dog.

Keeping exercise engaging and regular is a better option than letting them perform jumps or high-intensity exercise.

Rott Pei Training

The Rott Pei is an intelligent dog keen to learn and follow instructions, but they can be stubborn and willful if the correct methods aren’t used. Not all Sharweilers will be praise or food motivated, so persistence is key to successfully training them.

Combined with short and regular training sessions, the correct motivation will keep your Rott Pei engaged and focused. Early socialization is very important for your Rott Pei, as Rottweilers and Shar Peis are both prone to overprotective tendencies.  

Sharweiler bond with their owners and will have natural protective instincts, so establishing boundaries with friends and strangers is important. Rott Pei are loyal and powerful dog breed and with proper training and socialization they could also be a great family dog just like their parents.

Rott Pei Health

Rottweiler-Shar Pei mixes are a popular breed of hybrid dogs. These unique dogs are descended from two very different breeds – the powerful Rottweiler and the odd Shar Pei. As a crossbred they are also prone to some diseases.

One of the most common health problems in Rott Peis is allergic dermatitis. This condition means an allergic reaction of the dog’s skin to certain allergens and can cause severe infections.

They are also prone to skin and digestive disorders such as eczema and stomach ulcers. Similarly, diseases of the oral cavity can occur, especially in the teeth, so regular dental care is required. In addition, many Rottles suffer from bone and joint problems, especially in old age.

Some other known diseases they have like Hip and Elbow dysplasia. Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness, and restricted movement. However, Elbow joint dysplasia is a chronic disease complex of the elbow joint of fast-growing dog breeds.

Sharweilers are usually healthy and strong dog breed but if you notice any signs of illness, you should contact a veterinarian immediately to prevent symptoms from worsening. With proper care, training, and socialization you can keep them healthy and happy which could make them a great family dog for your family.


Q- What is the price of Shar-Pei puppy?

A- Shar Pei puppies on an average can be found for prices ranging from $1000 to $1500, depending on factors like lineage, coat type, and breeder reputation.

Q-  Is Rott Pei good with children?

A- Yes, regarding safety with small children, this breed generally does well when given proper socialization and training from puppyhood.

Q- How long does the Rott Pei live on average?

A- The average lifespan of Rott-Pei is between 10-12 years.

Q- Are Rott Pei is a good guard dog?

A- Yes, Rott Pei is an excellent guard dog breed, having the protective instincts of both their Rottweiler and Shar-Pei parents.


The Rottweiler and Shar Pei mix is a unique breed dog, crossbred between the purebred Rottweiler and Chinese Shar Pei dog. They are also known as Rott Pei or Sharweiler. They inherit their characters from each of their parents and like their parents this unique hybrid dog breed is also large sized, affectionate, loyal and tends to protect their owners.

Because of their large size they also have some health issue like Hip and elbow dysplasia, allergic dermatitis and they also suffer from bone and joint problems. Like their parents Rott Pei is also a big size dog and usually weighs between 55-95 pounds and height between 18-24 inches. They have an average lifespan of 10-12 years. With proper training, socialization, and better exercise they could also be a great family dog who can protect your children at home.

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