As a dog lover are you looking for a mix breed loyal companion dog? You should consider a Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix breed which could be an incredibly unique breed that offers many benefits.

Rottweiler and Pomeranian are two of the top favorite dog breeds worldwide. Now a days the popularity of mixed breeds has increased and in demand. The reason behind this is they are not only great companions but also possess exceptional health qualities that make them an ideal choice for pet owners of any age.

Rottweiler Pomeranian mix is a crossbreed between purebred Rottweiler and purebred Pomeranian. They come with small stature and a thick fluffy coat that can have either short hair or medium-sized hair on it.

This Pomeranian Rottweiler Mix breed is loving, smart and simple to handle. They are also excellent pets for families. They are great with children, protective, and are extremely loyal to their owner. Because of their energy level, they require plenty of daily physical activity.

These Pomeranian and Rottweiler mix inherit their characteristics from each of their parents. Both of them is intelligent, loyal, and highly energetic, they love their owner and enjoy people’s company.

In this article I will share with you complete information about the Pomeranian & Rottie mix breed as a pet, you will also get to know about their history, appearance, their size, weight, and height. You will also get to know about their temperament, personality and how to train them.

Brief Background History Of The Rottweiler And The Pomeranian

The Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix are a highly energetic and intelligent dog breed crossed between purebred Rottweiler and purebred Pomeranian that have been around for centuries.

Both dog breeds originated from different parts of the world but share similar qualities such as their intelligence and protective nature. Pomeranian and Rottweiler both are highly trainable dog breeds.

The Pomeranian is known to be a loving companion while the Rottweiler is regarded as one of the most loyal dogs in existence. There are approximate 200 purebred dog breed found in United States and these two are one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide.

To know more about the Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix we need to understand more about their parents first. Let’s understand each parent’s history and background.

The Rottweiler

The Rottweiler we know today descends from mastiffs that lived in the Roman Empire more than 2,000 years ago. These rugged dogs accompanied Roman legions north through the Alps, since these soldiers were on their way to invade what’s now Switzerland.

The breed is a result of its origins in Germany in the 19th century as the Roman was frequently stopped in Rottweil, Germany. After the Roman Empire collapsed, Rottweilers became valuable working companions in this part of Germany.

These dogs were known as guard dogs as ancestors of the Rottweiler helped move cattle that was intended to be eaten or eventually sold and kept the livestock safe from predators and thieves.

Rottweiler dogs are strong, powerful and have a reputation for being fearless and protective of their loved ones. They are born to work in tough conditions.

Rottweiler sitting in the grass

The Pomeranian

The Pomeranian, as we know it today, descended originally from the Spitz family of dogs in the frozen Arctic region of Iceland.

These Spitz dogs were much larger than the modern Pom as evidenced by their primary purpose of herding, pulling sleds, and guarding. Spitz breeds mean a type of dog that has several wolf-like characteristics.

The Pomeranian is often referred to as the Zwergspitz, the most diminutive member of the spitz dog breeds.

The breed originated from Poland and gets its name as Pomerania. The Pomeranian become so famous because of Queen Victoria of England. Queen Victoria was fond of this breed, and she even imported several of them from Italy to England.

The Queen was also the most well-known Pomeranian breeder of our time. She led the efforts to breed Pomeranian that were extremely small in dimensions.

A cute white color Pomeranian Dog
Source: Pixabay

The General Appearance of Rottweiler And Pomeranian Mix

To understand the general appearance of Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix, we need to know more about each of their parent’s appearance.

The Poms are small-sized dogs who typically stand between 7 and 12 inches tall and weigh around 3 to 7 pounds. However, some Pomeranian are as large as their ancestors and weigh up to 14 pounds.

However, on the other hand Rottweilers are large dog breeds, they are 22 to 27 inches tall and normally weigh between 95 and 130 pounds.

As a mixed breed they usually get both of their parent’s characteristics. Therefore, you can expect your Rottweiler Pomeranian mix breed usually to be a small to medium -sized dog which can get height anything between 12- 19 inches and weight between 26-49 pounds.

However, there are not standard rules for these mix breed dogs, and your mix breed pet size, height and weight could depend upon the breed you choose. So, as a mix breed, you could find a mix of smaller and bigger puppies, some of them look more like Rotties and others looking more like Pomeranian.

Coat And Coat Colors

To know about the Rottweiler Pomeranian mix coat and coat colors, we need to understand more about both breed parents coat colors first.

Rottweiler comes with a single Coat that has medium-sized or short hair. On the other hand, Pomeranian comes with medium size hairs on their coat.

Pomeranian comes with a double coat that sheds once or twice a year. Therefore, the Pomeranian Rottweiler Mix will develop a thick coat like their parents.

The Pomeranian Rottweiler Mix is a crossbred dog breed known for its fluffy coat. Their coat can have either short hair like Rottweiler or long/medium-sized hair like Pomeranian.

Each of the Rottweiler Pomeranian mix puppies is going to be different from one another as it totally depends upon what and how much they inherit from each of their parents. 

When it comes to coat color, Pomeranians come in brown, white or tan color. On the other hand, Rottweilers typically come in black & tan, or black & mahogany color.

Therefore, you can expect a Pomeranian and Rottweiler Mix puppy to come in either white color or black color with tan shades.

Temperament And Personality

Each dog has its own temperament and personality and as a mix dog breed this Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix inherits the temperament and personality from each parent.

If you are looking for an intelligent and loyal companion for your family, then this Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix would be a great choice as a pet. This breed combines the intelligence of the Rottweiler with the loyalty of the Pomeranian, produced a puppy which is both smart and loving.

A purebred Pomeranian is a small dog with a big personality. They never think that they are small dogs. The American kennel Club (AKC) states that Pomeranian have a “big dog demeanor.”

Pomeranian, dogs were originally used as lap dogs and guard dogs, so they make excellent watch dogs. They are also highly intelligent and can master new tricks easily.

On the other hand, Rottweilers are large purebred dog breed and have a big dog temperament due to their big size.

These dogs are one of the most popular dogs in America which are known as police dogs or guard dogs.  They are extremely loyal and affectionate with “their” people and are generally playful and loving dogs who make great watchdogs as well.

We can say that a Pomeranian Rottweiler Mix should be a loyal and affectionate dog. These dogs are also likely to be playful and friendly. They tend to be smart and easy to train, especially if you utilize positive training methods.

Height, Weight, Size And Lifespan Of Rottweiler And Pomeranian Mix

The biggest difference between these two-dog breeds is in their height, weight, and size. It is very difficult to predict or to know the height, weight, size and lifespan of Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix breed. However, if we have a quick look at their parents then we can guess what we can expect from its crossbred.

The Rottweiler is a large, powerful, heavyweight, and popular dog breed worldwide. The average weight for adult Rottweilers ranges from 95 to 135 pounds. However, the average height ranges between 22 to 27 inches, with males slightly taller and heavier than females.

The purebred Pomeranian is a small- sized dog breed compared to Rottweiler. Pomeranian’s are small dogs weighing 1.36–3.17 kilograms (3.0–7.0 lb) and standing 7–12 inches (18–30 cm) high.

You can expect female Pomeranian Rottweiler Mixes to stand around 14 to 17 inches tall on average and weigh around 26 to 39 pounds. Male Rottweiler Pomeranian Mixes can be expected to weigh around 34 to 49 pounds and stand between 15 and 19 inches tall when fully grown.

The lifespan of a Rottweiler usually is between 8-10 years however, the lifespan of a Pomeranian is approx. 12-16 years. The lifespan of the Rottweiler Pomeranian mix: would be 11 years to 13 years on average.

Because of the great disparity in height, weight, and overall size, you really cannot predict how big would be your Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix.

Exercise And Training Needs Of Rottweiler and Pomeranian Mix

Rottweiler and Pomeranian both are energetic and high energy hybrid dogs. As a mixed breed they get the characteristics from their both parents. Exercise and training need of Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix is very essential to keep them calm.

Pomeranian are little but can have very forceful personalities. They are extremely smart and can easily learn to do tricks. However, Rottweilers are large, powerful working dogs full of energy.

You can easily find them running here and there in your house or garden just because of their high energy level. If you want to keep them from being destructive at home or to prevent them from jumping on and off the furniture, you need to exercise them regularly.

You can either walk them in the evening or morning or make them participate in the training session for too long. They need extra exercise because of their high energy and This hybrid dog needs about 30-45 minutes of exercise each day which would be enough for them.

Training is an essential part of your dog’s growth. Both are extremely people-focused, which makes it easy to train them, using positive training methods. Early socialization is the best way to train your dog to behave well in public and towards strangers.

You should find that your Pomeranian Rottweiler mix is easily trainable, but it would be necessary to adjust daily activity depending on which parent dog characteristics your puppy has inherited.

Rottweiler Pomeranian Mix Puppy Price

On average, Rottweiler Pomeranian mix puppy can cost anywhere from $150 to $500 or more. This range will depend on several factors, including the breeder, their location, the age and gender of the puppy, and their health and temperament.

It would be advisable that always try to find a reputable breeder to purchase a new one. A reputable breed could charge you a higher price because they will also offer you health insurance and take all pre-buying state precautions.

Rottweiler and Pomeranian mix dog sitting on ground
Source: Canva


The Rottweiler Pomeranian mix is a crossbred between the purebred Rottweiler and the purebred Pomeranian. This dog breed is a loyal, intelligent, and protective companion that is affectionate and eager to please.

The Pomeranian and Rottweiler mix inherit their characteristics from both parents in terms of size, weight, height, and lifespan. They could be easily trained and if we trained them well with proper training and exercise then they would prove to be a great pet for your family.

They are known to get along well with children if socialize properly with their guardians and other animals.

If you are looking for loyal, energetic, and intelligent companion for your family then a Rottweiler Pomeranian mix would be a great choice for you and your family.

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